Differences between original and imitation bags
Virtually all women dream of one day having a Gucci bag, but many of us cannot afford the $ 1,500 or more worth a bag. Many women want to enjoy that luxury at a fraction of the price and buy an imitation Hermes replica bag. There are differences between the original Gucci and imitation bags. Let me help you decide if the differences are important enough to choose an original bag or an imitation.
Where it was manufactured
One of the most important differences between an original Gucci bag and an imitation one is where it was manufactured. An original Gucci bag is manufactured in Italy; while imitation is quite likely to be manufactured in China. So, when you try to see the differences and read “Made in China”, it will be very clear that what you have in your hands is an imitation.

Attention to details
The original Gucci bags have details that the imitations do not have, and if any imitation has details, they will not have them all. An original bag will have a style number and a four to the six-digit serial number located on the inside label of the bag, it will have the fake Hermes on each zipper and a certificate of authenticity that will also have the serial number written inside of the bag.
For the price that an original Gucci bag costs, it is made with care and with the best materials available. The seam will be detailed and will not be glued; Many imitations only have seams attached. The material may sometimes not be accurate in the signing of the Gucci design. Finally, watch the threads that start to come off at some points, an original Gucci bag will have each strand perfectly in place.
Where do you buy it
An authentic replica Hermes bag is available only at top-level stores such as Neiman Marcus or Bergdorf Goodman, or directly at the Gucci store. If you can buy the bag in the street, in the trunk of a car, in a beauty shop or at a bag party; Then the bag is clearly an imitation. There are common places where imitations of Gucci handbags are sold, such as Chinatown in New York or in the garment district of Los Angeles.
The biggest difference is the price you must pay for an authentic Gucci bag and an imitation one. You can buy a fairly simple and small authentic Gucci bag for around the US $ 900; or for $ 90 you can buy an imitation Gucci bag too large, and many people won’t be able to tell the difference unless you let them inspect the bag everywhere. An imitation bag is the option to choose. Just remember that selling imitation bags is illegal, just like buying them. They cannot take you to trial for buying Gucci imitation bags, but if law enforcement officials decide, they can confiscate them. However, they are not walking down the street like fashion police in search of women carrying imitation bags.
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